Tadas Sasnauskas Tech/Engineering Blog


Last update: 19 Feb 2025

Korg JV-1080 ROM card clones

After initial failure to implement ROM emulator using SRAM I’m scaling my ideas down to ROM modules.

The failed experiment. Adapter and 40 pin cable not shown. The main “oh I’m an idiot” issue was: I imagined it should work with 512k of RAM. However, due to address space scrambling all 8 megabytes of address space are required.

Korg JV-1080 expansion experiment

Now I’m making Flash module clone. Schematic:

Korg JV-1080 expansion schematic


Korg JV-1080 expansion schematic

PCB visual:

Korg JV-1080 expansion schematic

KiCad is ammazing!

GPS Time, HackRF One and signal recording

A slow moving project: TDOA experiment with multiple HackRF One SDR receivers synchronised using GPS 1PPS timing signal + GPS disciplined clock. Got 2x HackRF One receivers, 2x Leo Bodnar LBE-1421 GPSDOs, some other misc stuff.

Whole thing started after learning about Open Compute Time Card and 1ns precise timing from GPS.